Term 8, Interior Concept Design, Week 4

Week of Aug. 15, 2022

3 min readAug 22, 2022

For full context, see the description of my Art Home School Curriculum.


I didn’t have much time for art this week, but I’m happy with the progress on my candlemaker workshop, and looking forward to continuing to work on it next week. This was week 7 of Interior Concept Design at Syn Studio.


Drawings and Critiques

Current progress of a Chandler’s workshop, 1462, London.

I’ve blocked in all the flat colors, but I still need to add textures and work on the lighting. It looks a little dull right now, like I need more saturated colors. Hopefully I can remedy that with lighting and textures. I couldn’t make it to my class this week, but the lecture was recorded so I’ll be able to watch the feedback later.

Renders from Blender.

The first is a basic render from Blender with all materials and lighting present. I’ll probably do another pass on lighting. The second is an ambient occlusion render pass. By putting it on a multiply later in photoshop, you get free shadows.

Shadow render pass.

This was just for fun. The shadow render pass makes a weird, ghostly looking image, and then putting it on a color burn layer in photoshop makes the piece look like it belongs in a horror story. Once you have all the information on appropriate layers, it’s really easy to make huge changes like this for quick experimentation.


I had 20 minutes to kill.



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