Term 8, Brainstorm School Summer ’22 Part II, Week 3

5 min readJul 4, 2022


Week of June 27, 2022

For full context, see the description of my Art Home School Curriculum.


I applied for a Brainstorm School scholarship, but found out this week that I didn’t get it. It was a little disappointed, but I have no idea what their criteria was. Today I enrolled in three classes for fall semester: WB1 (environment sketching), AD1 (form language), and DC1 (design with color and light).

I think I’m addicted to drawing classes. I saw that Syn Studio, a concept art school in Canada, has a 10 week summer term that is between the end of the Brainstorm summer term and the start of the fall term. I also saw they were having a sale on their classes, so I signed up for Interior Concept Design. It’s taught by a former FZD student, and is all about making those cutaway rooms that FZD students are always doing. The class is listed as their highest level (level 4), so it is probably a bit advanced for me, but I’m up for the challenge. It starts next Saturday. There will be one week of overlap where I’m in 3 classes at once on top of my job. After that I’ll be back down to one class. It will be interesting to compare Syn Studio with Brainstorm, especially since the former’s classes are half the price of the latter.


Drawings and Critiques

Brainstorm School FND I week 6 homework.

Animals in motion.

It’s hard to get cats to look correct. I think it’s because we are much more familiar with cat faces than animals we don’t live with and see every day (like rhinos). It’s easier to notice mistakes with something we’re more familiar with.

Posing animals from imagination.

I felt okay about the fish, emu, and warthog, but drawing tigers and cats from imagination was really hard. Maybe the fur makes it harder to see the basic forms underneath.

Fully rendered animal heads.

I had to prove to myself that I could draw a good tiger face if I had reference and took my time.

Brainstorm School PBC week 3 homework.


Brewer grids.

This is a method of constructing a perspective grid when the vanishing points are off the page. The details can be found in Scott Robertson’s “How to Draw.”

Drawing basic forms on brewer grids.

I’m glad we practiced drawing on grids. I have been plotting out all my perspective drawings to vanishing points. I need to get rid of that crutch and start training my eye to do it more naturally.

Blocky vehicle studies.

These were the same exercise I did for Visual Communications, but here I didn’t use vanishing points. I plotted everything by eye. It went much faster, and I don’t see any glaring accuracy issues.

Random stuff.

After I drew the tiger this week, I remembered that I had drawn a tiger as part of the drawabox.com lessons, so I wanted to see a side-by-side comparison of how much I’ve improved. The drawing on the left was from November 2020 (17 months ago).



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