Term 5, Unit II, Week 4
For a description of this unit see my Term 5 Unit II plan. For full context, see the description of my Art Home School Curriculum.
Work was really busy this week so it was a light week for drawing. I tried to push myself to spend more time on a drawing then I normally would. At the point where I think to myself “I’m done with this,” I then force myself to spend another hour on it. It was a good exercise, and I will have to take it to the next level when I do Bargue drawings for the next unit.
Drawings and Critiques
Monday, Nov. 01
Gouache portrait.
Tuesday, Nov. 02
Figure lay-in.
Wednesday, Nov. 03
Head drawing.
Normally I would have stopped here, but I worked on it an additional night on Friday.
Thursday, Nov. 04
Figure lay-in.
This is a copy of drawing rather than a photo. The face looks funny, but I like the rest. It’s so much easier to copy a drawing than a photo.
Friday, Nov. 05
Head drawing.
This is about 2 hours past the point I wanted to stop. It’s probably the best head drawing I’ve done.
20 minute head lay-in.
Saturday, Nov. 06
Gouache portrait.
When I felt done with this, I forced myself to continue and spent another hour on the long curl of hair going down the front of her dress. At first I really messed it up, then I got it looking better than it did before. However, it then made the rest of the hair look much worse in contrast. The nice thing about gouache is that I can always reactivate the paint with water, then go in and spend more time on the hair if I want.
Sunday, Nov. 07
Thumbnails and block-in for gouache portrait.
Studies for comic art.