Term 5, Clothed Figure Drawing, Week 4

Week of Oct. 4, 2021

3 min readOct 11, 2021

For a description of this unit see my Clothed Figure Drawing unit plan. For full context, see the description of my Art Home School Curriculum. If you were inspired by this post, consider leaving me a tip.


I lost steam on doing original art this week, but I really enjoyed taking my time with drapery studies from photos. Everything seemed to take longer than usual. I’ve been laying in tone more subtly and lightly, then slowly building up to darker values. I feel like I leveled up this month in that regard. This officially marks one year of weekly blogging!


Drawings and Critiques

Monday, Oct. 04

Warmup and clothed figure from photo.

Clothed figures from imagination.

Obviously I haven’t been practicing this very much.

Tuesday, Oct. 05

Clothed figure from photo.

Planning next original comic page.

Wednesday, Oct. 06

Clothed figure from photo.

Planning next comic page.

Thursday, Oct. 07

Clothed figure from photo.

I like the boot and his left arm. I think there’s too much repetition in the hanging scarves. I was trying to give everything core shadows and reflected light but it turned out looking like stripes. The buttons on the coat cuffs look cool.

Planning next comic page.

Friday, Oct. 08

Warmup and drapery study.

Saturday, Oct. 09

Drapery study.

This was a copy of one of Leonardo da Vinci’s drapery studies (right). It’s hard to believe this drawing is 500 years old.

Sunday, Oct. 10

Warmup and clothed figure lay-in.



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