Term 5, Clothed Figure Drawing, Week 3
For a description of this unit see my Clothed Figure Drawing unit plan. For full context, see the description of my Art Home School Curriculum. If this post inspired you, consider leaving me a tip.
Another week of alternating between clothed figures from photos and clothed figures from comics. I haven’t been doing my original comic pages lately. I need to get back to that next week. Copying existing art is relaxing, but comic up with something from nothing is stressful, so I’ve been avoiding it. I need a way to make it less stressful. Maybe starting with some quick gestures from imagination will loosen me up.
Drawings and Critiques
Monday, Sep. 27
Warmup and clothed figure from photo.
The foot stands out weirdly. I think adding more background tone to melt into the foot would have helped. The chest area looks under developed. I think I ran out of time and forgot to continue working on it the next day.
Tuesday, Sep. 28
Copy clothed figures from comics.
Wednesday, Sep. 29
Clothed figures from comics.
I love the look of the suit on the right.
Thursday, Sep. 30
Clothed figure from photo.
The waist looks too long. I knew it was too long, but was too lazy to fix it. I should never let that happen. If I know there is a problem, my first priority should be to fix it.
Clothed figure from memory.
This was done from memory after copying it from David Finch’s clothed figure drawing youtube video. My version from memory looks less heroic, and the pants look twisted toward the camera. The jagged fold shapes look worse in general. I need to compare this with the original so I know exactly where I went wrong.
Friday, Oct. 01
Copying comic drapery.
Saturday, Oct. 02
Clothed figure from photo.
I could have spent more time on this, but ended a little prematurely. His left leg doesn’t look very good. The shadow and highlight shapes on the upper leg don’t go well together.
Copying a painting by John Singer Sargent.
The upper part of his left arm looks too long. I really like when shadows blend into the shadows of folds like on the right arm.
Sunday, Oct. 03
Warmup and clothed figure from photo.
This is my favorite of the week. It looks a lot better here in the photo than it did in real life. Looking at it large and up close the detail becomes too noisy, but when its smaller you can take it in all at once. I need to periodically step back from my drawings to get a more holistic view.