Term 4, Anatomy IV — Bridgman, Week 4

Week of September 6, 2021

4 min readSep 13, 2021

For a description of this unit see my Anatomy IV unit plan. For full context, see the description of my Art Home School Curriculum.


This week closes out my term on Bridgman. The good news is that I made it all the way through the torso, arms, and legs sections. The bad news is that I only copied from the book and didn’t do any drawings from memory. I will probably do another Bridgman term soon where I do all the drawings again from memory.

I tried something different this week and entered a contest at proko.com. The challenge was to take several reference photos (provided by the contest) and combine them into an original illustration. The rules and photos are here. It was tough, but also inspirational. It was nice to have a clear goal and a deadline, and it felt like an accomplishment to finish on time and submit something that I’m proud of.


Drawings and Critiques

Monday, Sep. 06

Copy Bridgman.

Thumbnails for a comic page.

Original comic page layout.

Tuesday, Sep. 07

Copy Bridgman.

Wednesday, Sep. 08

Copy Bridgman.

Reference bash Proko challenge.

I started by sketching all the reference photos to see which ones inspired me the most.

Thursday, Sep. 09

Copy Bridgman.

Reference bash Proko challenge.

Sketching the rest of the reference.

Friday, Sep. 10

Copy Bridgman.

Reference bash Proko challenge.

I still didn’t have a composition in mind yet, so I kept sketching and started thinking of how to use the images in specific ways.

Saturday, Sep. 11

Reference bash Proko challenge.

It took several tries to get the pose correct.

I feel like the figure’s right limbs are much longer than his left, even when you take foreshortening into account.

Sunday, Sep. 12

Copy Bridgman.

Reference bash Proko challenge, final submission.

I have trouble with forearm anatomy, and I may have gone overboard with detail, but otherwise I’m pretty happy with how this turned out. The initial work of coming up with an idea was difficult, but once I got going on the final drawing I had a lot of fun. I did the perspective of the piano freehand rather than creating a grid. There are a few mistakes, but nothing jumps out at me as being completely off. We’ll see what the judges have to say!

Reference bash Proko challenge, reference images.



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