Term 3, Anatomy II — Arms and Hands, Week 3
For a description of this unit see my Anatomy II unit plan. For full context, see the description of my Art Home School Curriculum.
This was a great week. I logged over 30 hours of drawing for the first time in several weeks, and half of that was working on original art. Going forward this year, my plan is to spend 50% of my time studying and copying, and 50% drawing from imagination and working on original art. Since my study time was cut down, I dropped the Bridgman hand drawing exercises. I wanted to spend all of that time learning anatomy. I was happy with several of my anatomy studies this week. Maybe arms are easy because they aren’t symmetrical.
Here’s the time I logged each day.
And here’s a breakdown of the time I spent studying (watching videos or reading books) vs. the time I was actually drawing.
Drawings and Critiques
Monday, Jun. 07
Deltoid studies from photos (A) and instructor copies (B).
Bicep studies.
Original comic page.
Tuesday, Jun. 08
Proko bicep exercises.
Original comic page.
Wednesday, Jun. 09
Proko bicep studies.
Original comic page.
Thursday, Jun. 10
Proko bicep studies.
Original comic page.
Friday, Jun. 11
Bicep studies.
Original comic page.
This needs more background elements, but I think I’m done with it for now. It was great practice. What I like: The anatomy in panels 1, 4, and 7, the use of shadow. What I don’t like: The wolf creature’s head/face, panel 2 (he’s supposed to be coming at the viewer, but the foreshortening of the legs didn’t work out), the lack of backgrounds (it’s a night time forest scene, which is confusing to draw), how all the faces look like different people, even though it’s supposed to be the same character.
Saturday, Jun. 12
Proko tricep studies.
This is probably my favorite drawing of the week.
Drawing arms from imagination and David Finch’s constructive arm drawing video.
Sunday, Jun. 13
Proko tricep studies.
The knuckles are lop-sided. It’s funny how easy it is to see the mistakes in the photo, but I couldn’t see them when looking at the paper.
Arms from Finch and imagination.
The bottom drawing is a second attempt of the arm of the wolf creature in the second panel of my comic page. The original was done before I studied biceps and triceps all week. I think my study made a difference. It’s much easier to draw a form when you understand it first.