Term 10, Brainstorm School Spring ’23, Weeks 10–12
I haven’t posted for a few weeks because I had an extremely unexpected and disappointing shakeup in my life. As part of the fallout, I’m working on prepping my house to sell and moving to a different state. It has been difficult to find the time and motivation to work on art. I didn’t attend 2 of my 3 final classes and failed to turn in my final projects. I was able to get some work done this week though, and turned in my final project for WB2 yesterday. I have one month before next semester starts, so hopefully I’ve put all this business behind me by then. Suffice to say, I’ll survive this ordeal and probably come out stronger on the other end. I am already evolving into the next version of myself.
Over the semester break I plan to finish up my final projects for ENT1 and SDVGD. I also plan on doing a landscape study every day. I’ve done very little environment painting from reference. Hopefully I can also do some plein air painting in gouache.
I got to a place where I was a little happier with the treetop castle.
I started integrating my final trolly design into the keyframe, but didn’t get a chance to finish.
This is a raw 3D render of my Buddhist temple. I still need to do the paintover in photoshop.
I entered this into a contest on the Brainstorm School discord with the prompt “Azure Market.” I was thinking of an alchemist’s market in the mountaintops. There were about 15 environment entries and 5 were chosen to be in the final vote but mine was not one of the top 5.
Here’s the alchemist’s market after instructor feedback. In general my preferred aesthetic leans towards less vivid colors, but his advice was to learn how to use vivid color first, then go down a specific aesthetic direction. That makes sense to me.
This is a wide shot of the alchemist’s market. It’s not finished. The buildings need a lot of work, but I’m happy with where the rest of the environment is going.